This is a critical time on the planet for us to let go of the "can of judgment" and start identifying as the "God water" that we are. For an explanation of God water and cans of judgment check out this six-minute video from our latest Priest vs. Priestess event.
As things are promising to get spicy in the world in the coming weeks, let me also share something about judgment and world events that I learned from being in an emotionally abusive relationship.
Yes, I an independent woman got stuck in a marriage where my husband treated me like garbage while also helping out minimally—both financially and at home. How long was I stuck? I'm so glad you asked. I did that for seven years. Sure I tried to leave, but I never quite got it together. Until I did.
Standing on the other side I wondered how could I have let this happen? Over the coming years, I've come to recognize the two things that held me in bondage.
Constant drama - He somehow managed to create constant drama. There was never time to think about the situation, as there was always some kind of crisis and occasionally some festive distraction happening. I contributed my own anxiety and coped with both sources of stress by drinking.
I cosigned the abuse - I'm actually the one to blame for this situation, as I'm the one who put up with it. I'm the one who judged him for his behavior while I played a helpless victim—discussing his misdeeds at length with a fellow victim of self-sabotage over Senor Taco margaritas. The allure of victimhood is that it let me off the hook for my non-existent personal growth.
So what does this have to do with world events?
How about everything? I experienced both and abusive relationship and the news cycle, so you don't have to. I left both within 6 months of each other. I actually stopped listening to the news first. That might be the reason I had just enough capacity to face my relationship. Looking back years later I kept having the realization that I was in an abusive relationship with the news as well, because it felt the same. Here is how the news keeps us in bondage.
Constant drama - many invitations are being sent out for us to get lost in surface world. The news cycle wants to make sure that you have not a second to consider the God water that you are. Keeping our brains on a constant scroll of drama and coming up with new things for us to fear, locking us out of presence and keeping our consciousness in a permanently collapsed state.
We cosign the abuse - our minds are actually our own, we're in charge of what we let in. We accept the invitations to judge a celebrity or a politician and we love discuss their misdeeds at length with fellow victims of self sabotage over our drinks of choice. And falling for the fear narrative gives us plenty of excuses to partake in escapist, numbing activities. Could it be true that we love being victims, as it let's us off the hook for our non-existent personal growth?
So in the coming weeks rather than falling for the news narrative decline the invitations to judgment and getting lost in surface world. Rather than succumbing to escapism, stand your ground as the divine being that you are. Practice presence and peace will find you even in the middle of a storm.
Keep the magic alive,
Space Witch